Seng Kwang Tan

Hidden Circuits Interactive

I made this interactive tool using javascript for the teaching of DC circuits for integration with SLS as part of the IP4 Physics blended learning experience in the upcoming weeks.

The intention of this interactive is for students to do a preliminary inquiry activity to exercise what they learnt about series and parallel circuits. They can be tasked to draw out what they think the circuit diagram will be like, either on Nearpod or SLS.

Students can even notice the differences in brightness under different conditions. Questions can be designed around this as well.

Previously we used to construct little boxes with wires hidden underneath. However, due to wear and tear and with Covid-19’s safe management measures, a digital version that can be accessed via the students’ mobile devices is more suitable.

Light bulb image is adapted from Good Ware from
Switch image is adapted from Those Icons from

For a direct link to this interactive, please go to: (updated link)

To obtain the zip file for upload into SLS as an interactive media object, click here.

AC Power with Half-Wave Rectification

As a means of visualising what happens to the potential difference, current and power dissipated in an alternating current circuit with half-wave rectification, I have created the interactive applet with all 3 graphs next to each other.

It should be easy for students to see that with half-wave rectification, the power dissipated is half that of a normal a.c. supply with the same peak p.d. and current.

Simulation on the effect of vaccination on the spread of Covid-19

My ex-colleague Lawrence did a simplified simulation on how vaccination can work to slow down the spread of Covid-19. It shows a clear correlation between rate of transmission and percentage vaccinated. Of course, experts recommend 80% vaccination rate but every bit counts as you can see from the simulation. I will be sure to receive mine when we get our turn.

It could also be useful for educating the public on the continued need for social distancing/masks despite having a sizeable population being vaccinated.

(Note: p = probability of spread upon contact, and you can use the dropdown menu to select different modes of safe management measures)