Physics Lens

Interactive Heating and Cooling Curves

Heating and cooling curves are graphical representations that show how the temperature of a substance changes as heat is added or removed over time. They illustrate the behavior of substances as they go through different states—solid, liquid, and gas.

Heating Curve: This curve shows how the temperature of a substance increases as it absorbs heat. The curve typically rises as the substance heats up, with plateaus indicating phase changes, where the substance absorbs energy but its temperature remains constant. Check out the heating curves for water and nitrogen using the drop-down menu.

Cooling Curve: This curve is the opposite of the heating curve. It shows how the temperature decreases as the substance loses heat. Like the heating curve, it also has plateaus where phase changes occur, but this time, the substance releases energy. In addition to water, you can also see the cooling curve for ethanol.

With these ChatGPT-generated interactive graphs, users can change the rate of heat input or released from the substance. They can also read the descriptions that explain the changes in the average PE and KE of the molecules during each process.

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